Statistics: z, t, F, Chi-square

  1. There are 23 students in a class, 12 females, 11 males, average height for females is 5’3, average height for males is 5’6, is male significantly taller than females? t-test

  2. A/B test, expect 50% proportion, data shows 95 events for A, 93 for B, is this expected 50%? Chi-square goodness-of-fit test

  3. If a Yahoo email user is shown a choice of puppy colors, will each color be clicked with the same frequency? Chi-square goodness-of-fit test

  4. Are users who click snow color puppy independent of regions where they live? Chi-square independence test

  5. Are Yahoo email users prefer to clicking ads on certain days, such as weekends? Chi-square goodness-of-fit test

  6. Is the Yahoo user bidding price the same for users in Seattle, Oregon, and California? F-test
